Reduce Technology Talent Spend Up to 40%


Discover what industry-watchers have called “the disruptive alternative to outsourcing.” At a fraction of the cost of traditional outsourcing, our right-sourcing approach eliminates performance risk and unpredictability. We offer a practical way to tackle virtually any technology development initiative on your radar, across any technology stack, in a highly reliable way that exceeds U.S. quality and productivity standards. (Check out our case studies and tech briefs for examples.)

How can we offer this incredible value? In a word: People.

Through a proprietary hiring process, we build an engineering team specific to your company’s unique needs who’ll work with you for the long-term. Our 90% talent retention rate is legendary and enables us to deliver the kind of dedication you won’t find anywhere else.


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Connect with Trent Michaels, Director of Business Development, to explore how our Global Insourcing Center solutions can help deliver on your vision. Send him an email with some convenient times: Or click the button below.

More Perspectives:

SMC2 Blog: Building an Engaged and Retained Team for Your Global Capability Center

SMC2 Blog: Building an Engaged and Retained Team for Your Global Capability Center

In the journey of establishing a Global Capability Center (GCC), one of the pivotal steps, as discussed in our previous article “How to Hire the Right People for Your GCC in India”, is ensuring you have the right team on board. However, the journey doesn’t end there. As COO and Co-Founder of SMC Squared Steven Stephan emphasizes, “Initiating, recruiting, and nurturing a team that’s not just skilled but is also deeply engaged and retained is equally crucial.”